Bird Control


Many people and organizations underestimate the threat of birds. While birds are seen as “cute” and “harmless”, they actually pose a serious threat to both people and properties.
Diseases & Bacteria: Due to the number of diseases and bacteria that are present in their droppings and nests, urban pest birds pose a considerable threat to human health.
Birds such as Pigeons, Starling and Sparrows are some of the more common pests in Malaysia. They cause a number of concerns for businesses that require a hygienic environment, especially in the food processing industry.

Aesthetic Appearance: Bird droppings and nesting material can seriously damage a buildings aesthetic appearance and your business image. Avoid the embarrassment and negative image caused by bird droppings.

Urban Sparrow – The Cause of Many Sorrows

If only it was simply another bird that sings or chirps in the trees nearby our building. But sparrows have adapted too well to our urban environments and is one of nature’s best opportunists in the manner in which it forages for food and where it can locate its nest.  Like rats and mice, the urban Sparrow utilizes the food garbage of people.

Important Announcement!

We are now part of the international Anticimex group, one of The Malaysia’s largest pest control and hygiene companies. We are proudly combining local knowledge with global Anticimex technology to provide world-class pest control and high-quality hygiene services to our customers.